

Before you jump in front of the camera, there are several important things to consider to have a successful branding shoot.

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Booking a branding shoot can feel like a monumental step in your business journey. It’s not just about getting a few good pictures; it’s about capturing the essence of your brand and telling your story through visuals. But before you jump in front of the camera, there are several crucial things to consider to have […]

How to Prepare for a Successful Branding Photo Shoot: Key Considerations

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In Episode 3 of She Learns Video, we are going to be talking about all things video gear. We are going to cover a variety of gear focusing on both tools, good for short form video content like social media and then other tools that might be necessary to do more long form content like […]

Episode 3 | Basic Gear for Getting Started with Video


Basic Gear for Video

Welcome to Episode 2 of the She Learns Video Podcast. In this episode we talk about boosting your brand with video. We chat strategies to help you stand out as a business owner and cover how to make video work for your brand, the various forms of video, and where to repurpose content along with […]

Episode 2 | Boost Your Brand with Video


Boost Your Brand with Video

Welcome to the first episode of She Learns Video. While the YouTube channel has been going for awhile now, I am so thrilled to be offering new content in podcast format.  In this first episode I want to share with you a bit about my journey into video and why I feel it is so […]

If you have been considering the possibility of adding video to your photography business, you are in the right place! She Learns Video is the perfect resource for anyone looking to make this jump. When you first start out in learning a new skill it is always nice to have some supportive reasons backing you […]

5 Reasons to Add Video to Your Photography Business


You are excited to start shooting video, but you aren’t exactly sure where to start? 24 fps or 60 fps? what shutter speed? should I use auto white balance?… too many choices that it can be overwhelming. With video there are many different settings that aren’t the same as photography and it can make getting […]

Basic Camera Settings for Shooting Video


Video Settings on Canon R6 Camera with Mic

Ready to share your work? Here is how you do it! One question we are often asked by new filmmakers, (and something everyone struggles with in the beginning) is what is the best way to send videos to my clients? You have this beautiful film and you want to share it right away, but how? […]

How to Make Pinterest Video Pins in Canva Pinterest video pins are easy to create with Canva and can help to improve your views on Pinterest and your SEO. This video walks you through how to easily and simple create your own video pins on Pinterest. I hope you enjoy and please feel free to […]

How to Make Pinterest Video Pins in Canva


How to Make Instagram Reels with Still Images Are you looking for a tutorial on how to set your camera up for video? This video walks through setup of the Canon EOS R6, but could be used as a guide for other cameras as well. I hope you enjoy and please feel free to leave […]

How to Make Instagram Reels with Still Images


Check out my New Westfield Indiana Photography Studio Space! I am so excited to announce that I now have a studio space located in downtown Westfield! The space is upstairs right near the corner of SR 32 and Union Street and I am I now offering sessions in the space and rentals for other local […]

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